Yes, we are located in Roosevelt Field Mall 630 Old Country Rd, Garden City, NY 11530.

Yes, you can reserve currencies online and pay at our branch when you pick up.

We are working on receiving payments online, at the moment we are not receiving payments online.

Yes, online rates are different than the retail location. However, when you reserve a currency it could take up to 3 business days for your order to be ready.

When you reserve a currency, there is no fee and no commission.

Yes, please call our store landline and we will try our best to cater your needs.

Yes, when you buy from us we offer buy back guarantee within 30 days of your purchase. Check details with our sales representative by visiting us at our store or simply call our customer service.

Yes, please visit us in store or call our customer service for further details.

Yes, you will receive an email confirming your order.

We claim to have best exchange rates online and in stores when you compare it with our competitors. We also have Price Beat guarantee. Please check details on our website about Price Beat policy.

Yes, you can. Please email us at info@bigapplecurrency.com or simply call us at our customer service number at (347) 216 6879.

No, we do not buy currencies which are discontinued.

Yes, we do buy Australian, Euro and British coins but only dollar coins. We do not buy cents and rate is slightly different than the notes.

No, we do not share your information with anyone except government authorities, if the need arises.

You can email us at info@bigapplecurrency.com or simply call our store at (347) 216 6879.

Absolutely, you can sell your currencies. If you have a large amount please call us in advance so that we can make prior arrangements if we need to.